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A developer-friendly World of Warcraft addon packager.

demonstration of wap usage


wap in 5 minutes

These instructions create and upload a working addon without editing a single line of code!

  1. Download and install Python 3.11.

  2. Install wap:

    pip install --upgrade --user wow-addon-packager
  3. Create a new a project:

    wap new-project

    And then, answer the prompts. Don't worry too much about your answers -- you can always change them later in your configuration file.

  4. Change to your new project's directory. For example, if you named it MyAddon in the last step, you'd type:

    cd MyAddon
  5. Build your addon package and link it to your local World of Warcraft installation:

    wap build --link

    At this point, you can play the game with your addon.

  6. Upload your addon to CurseForge with your API token so that others can use it:

    wap publish --curseforge-token "<api-token>"

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