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wap is configured with a JSON file.

When running commands that require a configuration file (and the a path to the configuration is not explicitly provided), wap will look in the current directory for a file named wap.json, and then, in any parent directory. If you have used git, then you are already familiar.

Full examples

  • A minimal configuration:

      "name": "MyAddon",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "wowVersions": {
        "mainline": "9.2.7",
      "package": [
          "path": "./MyAddon"
  • A more fleshed out configuration with support for editor validation, publishing, TOC file generation, and multiple flavors:

      "$schema": "",
      "name": "MyAddon",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "MyAddon enhances something...",
      "wowVersions": {
        "mainline": "9.2.7",
        "classic": "4.4.0",
        "vanilla": "1.14.3"
      "publish": {
        "curseforge": {
          "projectId": "523422",
          "slug": "myaddon",
          "releaseType": "release",
          "changelogType": "text"
      "package": [
          "path": "./MyAddon",
          "toc": {
            "tags": {
              "Title": "MyAddon",
              "Author": "Me",
              "Notes": "Does this thing to the game"
            "files": ["Init.lua", "Core.lua", "Extra.lua"]
          "include": ["./LICENSE"]


The JSON in a configuration file must be valid to a built-in schema.

If your editor supports JSON Schema validation, make sure to set the $schema field:

    "$schema": ""


  • Required
  • Type: string

The name is what your addon package is called.

It will be used in the following places:

  • Output directory name (created when building)
  • Output zip name (created when publishing)
  • Uploaded/downloaded file names on Curseforge


"name": "My Addon"


  • Optional
  • Type: string

The person/people that contributed to your package should be listed in this field.

This value is intended to document your project.

Additionally, in any generated TOC files, this value will be the default for Author if it is not explicitly provided in the package[*].toc.tags section.


"author": "Thrall"


"author": "Amleth, Queen Gudrún, and Fjölnir the Brotherless"


  • Optional
  • Type: string

A description of this package.

This value is intended to document your project.

Additionally, in any generated TOC files, this value will be the default for Notes if it is not explicitly provided in the package[*].toc.tags section.


"description": "This addon gives you more gold!"


  • Required
  • Type: string

The version of your package. It does not have to follow any format.

It will be used in the same places as name.

Additionally, in any generated TOC files, this value will be the default for Version if it is not explicitly provided in the package[*].toc.tags section.


"version": "1.0.0"


  • Required
  • Type: object with at least one key from ["mainline", "classic", "vanilla"] and values of the form x.y.z where x, y, and z are non-negative numbers

This object maps the flavors of the game your addon will support to the versions of those flavors.

The recognized flavors are as follows:

Flavor Description
mainline The mainline or "retail" flavor, which includes the latest expansions
classic The classic flavor that has slowly been evolving through old expansions
vanilla The classic flavor that only includes the first expansion

In any generated TOC files, this value (in its interface form) will be the default for Interface.


"wowVersions": {
  "mainline": "9.2.7"


If these versions fall behind, the WoW will claim your addon is out of date.


  • Optional
  • Type: object

A container for publish configurations.


  • Optional
  • Type: object

A container for Curseforge configuration.

  • Required
  • Type: string

The Curseforge project identifier, which identifies the package to publish to. You can find it on your project page:

Project id as found on Curseforge's "About Project" section

You can create a new pacakge on the website.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422"

The path to a changelog file, which describes how your addon package has changed over time.

Its path must be relative to the directory in which the configuration file exists. See Paths in the configuration

Curseforge displays the changelog with every upload if it is provided.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422",
    "changelogFile": "./"

The literal text to use in the changelog.

Curseforge displays the changelog with every upload if it is provided.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422",
    "changelogText": "Added new feature X"
  • Optional, defaulting to text
  • Type: string from ["markdown", "text", "html"]

The markup language of the changelog contents.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422",
    "changelogText": "# Changelog\n\nSee the *website*...\n",
    "changelogType": "markdown"
  • Optional
  • Type: string

A string identifier that identifies the Curseforge project.

You can find it in the URL of your project page. For example, if your project URL is, then your slug is myaddon.

This value lets wap print file URLS after publishing. Otherwise, an less-helpful file ID will be printed.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422",
    "slug": "myaddon",
  • Optional
  • Type: one of release, beta, or alpha

The release type to assign to uploads. release indicates the highest level of stability to users, alpha the least, and beta in between.

This setting can be overriden by providing the --release-type option when running the publish command.


"publish": {
  "curseforge": {
    "projectId": "523422",
    "releaseType": "beta",


  • Required
  • Type: array with at least 1 item

A list of addon configurations.


  • Required
  • Type: string starting with ./

The path to your addon directory. See Project Structure for how your project should be laid out.

This value must be unique among all other addon paths provided.

Additionally, in any generated TOC files, this value will be the default for Title if it is not explicitly provided in the package[*].toc.tags section.


"package": [
    "path": "./MyAddon"


  • Optional
  • Type: string starting with ./

A container for TOC data. Providing this field turns enables TOC file generation.

  • Optional
  • Type: object

This object represents tag names and values in generated TOC files.

A tag can map any string name to any string value, just as long as the name does not contain a space, a newline, or a colon.

wap recognizes the official tags in this section too. In some cases, the way the value is expressed has been changed to better utilize JSON. You can see a description of these tags on the Wowpedia TOC format article.

Name Value Type Serializes To
Title string string
Title-<locale> string string
Notes string string
Notes-<locale> string string
Author string string
LoadOnDemand boolean 1/0
RequiredDeps or Dependencies array of string comma-separated string
OptionalDeps array of string comma-separated string
LoadWith array of string comma-separated string
LoadManagers array of string comma-separated string
DefaultState boolean enabled/disabled
SavedVariables array of string comma-separated string
SavedVariablesPerCharacter array of string comma-separated string


"package": [
    "path": "./MyAddon",
    "toc": {
      "tags": {
        "Title": "Cool Addon",
        "Notes": "This addon...",
        "My-Custom-Tag": "is this",
        "LoadOnDemand": true,
        "RequiredDeps": ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]


The Interface and Version tags will be provided by wap according the wowVersion and version sections, respectively. But, you can override them here if you really want to. See TOC file generation for more information.

  • Optional
  • Type: array

This array is the sequence of addon files that should be loaded for your addon. Note that, regardless of what is listed, the entire addon path will be copied to the output directory -- this is just for addon load ordering.

Paths will be resolved from the directory of the path field.


"package": [
    "path": "./MyAddon",
    "toc": {
      "files": [


Regardless of the files listed, all files under the path will be packaged. This section just declares the file load order.


  • Optional
  • Type: array

Use this field to include files outside the path. The strings provided must be either file paths or file path globs. The glob syntax is that of Python's pathlib.Path.glob function.

All paths will be resolved relative to the directory that contains the configuration file.


"package": [
    "path": "./MyAddon",
    "include": ["LICENSE"]