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wap build

wap build [OPTIONS]

Build addons into a playable, distributable package.

For each addon, building does 3 things:

The above addon files will be placed in a package directory inside the output directory. This directory will be named in the format of<name>-<version>, taking values as defined in your configuration. For example, with a name of MyAddon and version of 1.2.3, the yielded output directory would be MyAddon-1.2.3.



-w, --watch

Enable "watch" mode, which will rebuild your addon any time a source file, an include file, or the wap config file changes on your filesystem.

This mode is nice during development sessions because you do not need to run wap commands manually. Paired with --link, it becomes even more powerful.

You can press Ctrl+C to exit this mode.

-l, --link [auto|mainline|classic|vanilla]

After building, symlink your addons in the output directory to the respective World of Warcraft installation directory.

This is handy because you do not need to copy your files to those installation directories manually to test them out in the game.


A symlink is a file that points to/targets another file. As far as World of Warcraft is concerned, the symlink is indistinguishable from the real file. If the symlink is deleted, the target file will be unaffected. See Symbolic link on Wikipedia for more information.


Windows users will not be able to create symlinks by default. There are two options:

  • Recommended Enable developer mode by searching for "developer mode" in Settings and clicking the toggle.

    Turning on Developer Mode

  • Run wap as an administrator.

The argument provided specifies to which installations links should be made: auto symlinks into any found installations on your computer that are also compatible with the addon. mainline, classic, vanilla symlink into those respective flavor's installation.

Without an argument, --link runs as if auto was provided.

This option can be provided multiple times unless auto is also provided.

wap looks for installations in the following places:

Platform Default Installation Prefix
Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\
OSX /Applications/World of Warcraft/
Flavor Addons Directory
mainline <prefix>/_retail_/Interface/Addons
classic <prefix>/_classic_/Interface/Addons
vanilla <prefix>/_classic_era_/Interface/Addons

If you've installed World of Warcraft into a custom location not listed above, you may point wap to it with any of the --<flavor>-addons-path options


Lets the link operation succeed if something was already there when --link-ing by deleting it first.


  • --vanilla-addons-path DIRECTORY
  • --classic-addons-path DIRECTORY
  • --mainline-addons-path DIRECTORY

When linking with --link, override the default installation path with the directory path provided.


wap build --classic-addons-path "D:/Games/World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/Addons"



Before building, delete all files in the output addon directories. This can be helpful if you've previously built a file that you no longer want to be in the package.


--config-path FILE

This path tells wap where to find your configuration, overriding the default of wap.json.


--output-path FILE

This path tells wap where to output the package, overriding the default of dist.



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